Sunday, March 22, 2009

Missed DRJ #4 - Rationalization!

My apologies for not completing Drama Reading Journal #4 on Hamlet, Acts IV and V. These were the best acts of the play, in my opinion. I loved how the indecision of the earlier acts and the mysteries of each character come into focus and the plot begins to drive the action relentlessly toward the tragic conclusion. But alas, I ran out of time!

With the combination of the midterm, a crunch at work, reviews for a professional peer-reviewed journal, and work for my other classes, I simply ran out of time. I hope that my extra credit assignments make up for this lapse!

See you all in the jungle with Kurtz and crew next week. Time for a journey to the dark side!


  1. No worries.. I know the feeling; 24 hours in a day? I NEED MORE! I think I'm now on about 4 hours of sleep to find time to juggle it all. School, 40+ hrs at work, kids, home, girl scouts (I'm a leader),.... It is a busy, busy time! Good luck w/ the midterm.... that's next on my agenda... haa haa

  2. I almost completely forgot about it! Friday afternoon it dawned on me that I was forgetting to do something. I am lucky in that I can whip them out fairly quickly. I also am only enrolled in one class and my kids are grown! Not that I'm not busy but I don't know how you are doing it Jennifer!

  3. I'm very excited for "Heart of Darkness" even though I've read through it already. It's such a interesting, deep and rich story and I can't wait to get to work on it!
